23:40pm Nov 26,2008
Summerzied the news from SM in bangkok official site by sharingyoochun@wordpress
After being in a serious conference with SM Korea about how the artists are gonna come to Bangkok and their condition is only…
“They will not come if the situation is getting very very worse than this or their government forbid them to come to Thailand”
So the press conference on Friday or the concert on Saturday will be held surely!
At the national stadium, everything is set up already!
And if the situation is not getting better. SM Thailand will bring the artists in the new route such as hiring the whole airplane and land it in Chiangmai or Phuket or any other provinces and it is NOT gonna be convenience for SM artist at all but they are willing to do it! But traveling like this, they might have to cancel the press con (but better than cancel the concert huh)
For the artists safety, you guys can be assured that the riots are very far away from the concert and the hotels.
So people let’s pray for us, for Adamas for SM!!!!!
Adamas fighting!
22:23pm Nov 26,2008
So far no emergency state declare!!!! I just finished watching our Prime minister declare and the government is trying to take the international airport back as soon as possible cuz our country’s cedit right now is going down hill. The protestors state that they did everything for the country but they’re soooo wrong. Right now no one believes in our country’s ability anymore.
Let’s get back to the concert. No update from Adamas and the latest update is as long as they artists can fly in, then the show must go on.
People are still working on this concert.
See the pic of Rajamangala national stadium today!

15:50Pm Nov 26,2008
Sm Thailand has been working like crazy about the situation.The conclusion is If the artists can come by the same schedule “THE SHOW MUST GO ON…”
Thai staffs and Korean staffs have made the official conference this morning and SM Thailand did inform SM Korea that our international airport is closed but we can still use the old one (Don Muang)
Let’s be logical , no one thinks we can close the airport for too long or else people can just remove THAILAND out of the world’s map (am I right?)
The conference takes hours and very serious cuz Korean technical staffs cannot come to Bangkok today. Though both Koreans and Thais are pretty ready for the concert.
Anyway SM entertainment Korea did make the conclusion that as long as the artists can fly to Bangkok then the show must go on!!!!!!!!!
For someone who want this concert to be postponed for the artists safety. We do understand about that but the board (CEO,managers,staffs and co ordinators) have summerized the loss and it would affect sooooooo much if we cancel this concert so having the concert by schedule is the best way conclusion so far.
So let’s pray that things will be better real soon.But if the airport would not be opened as soon as possible or there’s an emergency royal act that NO GATHERING PEOPLE IN THE HUGE GROUP allowed then they concert will be CANCELED.
We’ll see for the government reaction tonight
12:21pm Nov26,2008
News from CH[3] 17 flights had arrived to Don Maung Airport instead of Suvarnabhumi Airport. The update of the flight will change every single hour. And if the protestors still dont move, they are gonna have to keep closing Suvarnabhumi Airport TOMORROW!
10:48am Nov26,2008
Though every flight today from every airline has been canceled but there is still no update from SM official site Thailand and ADAMAS all right
0:47 Nov 26,2008
Official site by Adamas
Summerized in English by sharingyoochun@wordpress.com
We just recieved the update. As far as you guys know about our Suvarnabhumi Airport has been closed down and the departure flights have been canceled but for arrival flights are still ongoing.
We got the confirmation that tomorrow the 20 Korean technical staffs will definitely come to bangkok!
Sm Bangkok team has been discussing with SM Korean for more than 30 mins and the conclusion is “as long as there is to Emergency royal act or anything worse and Korean government would really forbid everyone to come to Thailand so everything is still the same by the schedule”
credit : SHARINGYOOCHUN + Cassiopeialovers