As already reported that VIP’s and Wonderfuls, Big Bang and Wonder Girls’ fanbase respectively taking a rude action by reserving TVXQ’s 3rd Asian TOUR MIROTIC tickets without any intention to actually pay which resulting in huge amount of canceled tickets, and the issue is running even further ever since.
The cheating sales done by (in the news is only mentioned) VIP’s which caused loss around 10 million won regarding the cancellation of 1700 tickets, resulting to more than 200 fans got arrested by the police (T/N I’m not sure about this arrested part, so do not take it too serious before I can figure the real meaning).
Moreover, as the auction site finally re-opens the selling for all canceled tickets, the price went so high thus now has been a heated verbal disputes going on between both fanclubs.
Source: Sports Seoul + kpopjjang+tvxqindo+Cassiopeialovers
Translations: Sharing Yoochun
GW marah ma kecewa bgttt ma VIP N wonderFuls..
apa2in sih mereka ngelakuin hal kayak gini..
hanya buat permusuhann aja..
hampe ngecancel 1700 tiket..
padahal banyak bgttt Cassie yg marah ato sedih gara g dapett tiket..
mereka malah ngecancel gtu aja..
g ngehargainnn bgttt sih..
1 komentar:
well... gue kecewa knapa VIP and Wonderful harus berbuat gtu sama Cassie en TVXQ.
Karna gue mrasa gue bagian dari 3 fans yang sedang 'berkonflik' gue jadi ikut2an bingung niy....
Mnurut gue kalo VIP trus2an 'nyerang' Cassie or DB itu akhirnya malah ngebuktiin kalo mereka fans yang immature. contohlah gue yang senantiasa menjaga perdamaian dengan para fans dan artis kesayangan mreka. (kcuali 1-and you know it, Ta!)
I'm proud to be a VIP Cassiopeia. ^^
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